Subtotal: 0.00 PHP

A bit about our Charity Pot
In 2007 we created our Charity Pot body cream product to raise money for charities and other good causes.
It has been so successful that the fund is still going strong more than a decade on. 100% of the retail price paid by customers buying the product (minus the VAT, which has to go to the Government) is given away to fund grassroots organisations working on animal protection, human rights and environmental issues around the world. We prefer to fund smaller organisations, especially those who have limited resources and fnd it diffcult to find funding elsewhere. We offer funding from £100 to £10,000 to grassroots groups that need help to make a positive difference to our world. Our charitable giving is not a marketing exercise, and we ask nothing back from the groups we fund. We just want to help those who work tirelessly to make the world a better place, and who play a useful part in the movement to create change.
The Charity Pot product labels are regularly updated with images and information that represent the charities supported by the fund, so customers can see where their money is going.
“Lush will give our time, Lush will give our raw materials and lush will give our shop space to Charity Pot - if you will be kind enough to buy it!" Mark Constantine
Charity Pot Application process
There is clear information for organisations hoping to receive Charity Pot funding, which you can find here. This criteria ensures that we select only charities which are in line with our ethical values. If you know a small charity that is doing great deeds, then please tell them about Charity Pot and suggest they submit an application to us. All groups must meet our entry criteria. We have far more applications than we could ever hope to fund, so we try to choose a range of charities and groups across a variety of issues and localities, to avoid duplication and best spread the grants as far as possible. We have to turn down many worthwhile, impressive causes – so please do not feel insulted if your suggestion does not make it to the final list.
Our Charity Pages also show a full list of the charities we have given grants to and the work they are doing.
More charity projects at Lush
Charity Pot is the main source of raising charitable funds at Lush. In addition: We raise money for specific campaign groups and organisations by selling Limited Edition campaign products, designed to suit each cause. Also through the sales of the FUN product range we have a FunD, to help children in Japan affected by the Fukushima disaster. We continue to support projects for sustainable, diverse supply chains. We have a self-imposed Carbon Tax (we tax ourselves on our fights and give this money to environmental groups). We donate our Lush products to charities for use by their patients/ clients and for fundraising purposes. We are continually working on new initiatives for charitable giving.
We want to help those who work tirelessly to make the world a better place, and who play a useful part in the movement to create change.