Soothing and antiseptic
Chickweed's Latin name, Stellaria media, refers to the star-like shape of its delicate, white flowers. It's found in most UK gardens, and especially common in fields, wastelands, cultivated ground and woodland in the USA.
For centuries, herbalists have used chickweed for its healing properties. Its soothing and cooling qualities reduce itching associated with dry skin conditions such as eczema.
Roman chamomile is an evergreen perennial with aromatic, finely- divided leaves. In summer, long stalked flowers are produced, with creamy white petals and yellow discs.
Marigold (Calendula officinalis), also known as calendula, pot marigold and hen-and-chickens marigold, is a hardy plant. It has distinctive yellow flowers whose petals are used in infusions, liquid extracts, and tinctures. Marigold is used by herbalists for conditions such as eczema, conjunctivitis and as a general antiseptic.
We make the extract with dried sprigs of chickweed, chamomile flowers and marigold petals and steep them in organic, cold-pressed almond oil.