One of the Sustainable Lush Fund ingredients, moringa powder is sourced from 24 acres of land just outside of Techiman, Ghana at the Ghana Permaculture Institute. It's a potent antioxidant, great for the skin and similarly beneficial for the people producing it.
Within this now species-rich food forest and training site, grows moringa aka ‘The Miracle Plant’. Its high antioxidant levels make it perfect for use in powder form in our deodorising foot powders.
Moringa leaves are typically harvested between the months of April to October and can be dried out in the space of 4 days if sunny. Once the Moringa leaves are dried, they are brought to the Ghana Permaculture Institute original site to be processed into powder for sale. Moringa powder is a versatile ingredient and processed 100% from Moringa leaves. It is understood to have many soothing properties and medicinal benefits. With all the essential amino acids, more calcium than milk and with more iron content than spinach, it helps fight headaches and is used at GPI to stop bleeding from shallow cuts. It is widely recognised as an excellent source of nutrition and natural energy booster. It helps lower blood pressure, is a sleep aid and has detoxifying effects on the body.
One of the members of the GPI is Prince, who has been with GPI for 3 years. Prince manages the Moringa leaf powder process and he strictly follows protocol with lab jacket, hair net and mask, making sure the equipment and machinery is always clean before starting. Ear defenders should also be worn due to the high level of noise the machinery makes. The dried leaves are taken to the processing machine to be ground down. It is a relatively quick process but the leaves do require going through the machine 3 or 4 times to achieve the desired fine powder. Once this is complete, the powder is then sieved and bagged ready for sale. GPI processes 1000’s of kilograms of Moringa leaves each month using some to make Moringa bread which they sell to local markets. They have started making Moringa pies and would like to make Moringa chips in the future.