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Powdered Rosemary

Powdered Rosemary

Antiseptic and Absorbent

Rosemary is rich in volatile oils, flavonoids and phenolic acids, which are antiseptic and anti-inflammatory. Externally, it is used to help relax muscles, and for dandruff. Medicinally, rosemary is use to treat poor circulation, nervous exhaustion, digestive problems and headaches.

Description The sea rose (Rosmarinus officinalis) is also known as compass plant and Mary’s tree. It is native to the Mediterranean and is is an aromatic, evergreen shrub of the mint family with blunt, needle-shaped leaves. In spring, two tubular flowers appear, varying in colour from pale to dark blue. Depending on climate and location, the flower can bloom most of the year. Leaves and flowering tops are collected in spring and early summer; they are distilled for oil, or dried for infusions, decoctions, extracts, spirits, and tinctures. The dried leaves are ground to produce ground rosemary. We use powdered rosemary in our Greeench deodorant for its antiseptic quality.

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